Help: specialshops

These special shops, found in the heart of their domains, provide special items
or features.

Antiquities Shop: (trade artifacts for runes/gems)
Emerald: CNA, s, e

Hedge's Shop: (recharge equip)
Emerald: CNA, 5n, e

The Mason's: (trim runes/gems)
Emerald: CNA, 5s, e, n

Shop of Augmentation: (augment equip)
Entaria: CNE, 2s, 3w, s, e

Armland Toy Shop: (toys & games)
Esdragen: GMS, 2e, s

Armland Random Crap Shop: (varied random gear)
Esdragen: GMS, 3e, s

Armland Pawn Shop: (bags, tools, rope)
Esdragen: GMS, 3s, e

Assassin Upgrade Shop: (upgrade hired assassin)
Esdragen: GMS, n, w

Donator's Shop: (donator features)
Central: docks, w, hut

Pet Terrain Training Outpost: (train pet's terrain skills)
Central: docks, w, s

Room of Rebirth: (rebirth or change either align or race)
Mainland: FTN: d, n

Stat Training Room: (boosting stats)
Mainland: FTN, 3d, n

Terisa's Equipment Shop: (portable shop)
Mainland: FTN, 3e, s

Eddie's Auction House: (lotto machine and auction items)
Nautica: CN, 2n, e

*Note) There are a few other places. Explore the domains.