Finger: Mills

Title: Mills the Sparkling Elemental Cherufe
Name: Mills                           In real life: Jim                     
Race: Halfling                        Gender: Male                          
Level: 179                            Guild: Elementals (88)                
Home Domain: Nautica                  Toplist: 18
Status: Player (Donator II)           
Best party kill: Langhesi Emissary (class 29397)
Best solo kill: Master Rogue Lehgout (class 6142)
Arch foe: Nightmare of Amir (class 3321) <avenged>
Age: 34 weeks 3 days 16 hours 10 minutes 52 seconds
On since: Mon Mar  3 01:51:14 2025 
1 hour 4 minutes Idle Time
No unread mail.
No Plan.