Help: shops
There are a wide variety of shops on Lost Wishes to enjoy. One can
purchase items, such as equipment, food, pets, boats, and magical
items. To repair one's equipment, one should seek a repair shop.
Some directions to the shops in key cities are listed below.
General Shops:
Emerald: CNA, 2w, s Entaria: CNE, s, e
Esdragen: GMS, 2n, e Mainland: FTN, e, s
Nautica: CN, 3w, n
Magic Shops:
Emerald: CNA, e, s Entaria: CNE, s, e
Esdragen: GMS, 3s, w Mainland: FTN, 4e, s
Nautica: CN, s, w
McInty Food Shops:
Emerald: CNA, n, w Entaria: CNE, s, w
Esdragen: GMS, 2e, n Mainland: FTN, 2s, w
Nautica: No McInty's branch
Nautical Retail Shops (Boats!):
Emerald: by boat: sail -330,330, out, e
(or by ferry: sail to imperial city, out, e)
Nautica: CN, 2w, 2n
Pet Shops:
Emerald: CNA, 3s, w, s Entaria: CNE, 2s, 3e, s, w
Esdragen: GMS, 2s, w Mainland: FTN, 5e, s
Nautica: CN, n, e
Repair Shops:
Emerald: CNA, 2s, e Entaria: CNE, 2s, 3e, n, w
Esdragen: GMS, 3e, n Mainland: FTN, 2e, s
Nautica: CN, 2n, w
See additional help: specialshops